Monday, February 23, 2009

Blue's Top 5 of 2008

Bit late, but hey, the way they release these now you have to live in Los Angeles to see everything the year it's released. It was a pretty poor year in terms of volume of good movies, so I only made a top 5. #6 is actually quite good, Ché, but I believe in keeping to real numbers(six is a man not a number).

Without further ado:

5.) Speed Racer - Loved/Hated it when it was released, this film has grown on me a great deal. Just a lot of fun, and the editing technique adapted from the cartoon has been blowing my mind since I first saw it.

4.) In Bruges - My best hope for this was a not-too-horrible Guy Ritchie ripoff, instead it turned out to be a flat-out brilliant movie not at all derivative.

3.) Doomsday - If you're a John Carpenter fan, this is the culmination of 20 years of anticipation of Carpenter one day reachieving the heights of his Escape From New York.

2.) The Wrestler - I'm so very glad Darren Aronofsky chose to do this instead of that stupid Noah's Ark movie he was talking up. A return to form after the lackluster The Fountain. Mickey Rourke in a defining role.

1.) The Dark Knight - I expected this to be good based on Batman Begins, to my shock and surprise it was so much more. This film articulated the themes of the comic to a greater extent than the comics ever have. A masterpiece.

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